Why Early Childhood Education is good for your child

Early Childhood Education has become a standard for many individuals. Pre-School programs and head start are gaining status as a natural part of the education process. However, some individuals do not send their child to pre-school. Many children start in Kindergarten or first grade with “structured” schooling. While the parents may teach the children at home, it is much more difficult to teach your own. Without the standards in a classroom, there is a chance that your child may not be as advanced as other students that did take part in a pre-school experience.

There are many benefits that come with pre-school education. The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute states that many children are entering school unprepared for what is expected of them. This is a concerning aspect for teachers because with many of the classroom sizes close 30 children, it become harder to provide individualized attention so they will fall even farther behind as the year goes on. Teachers want to see children succeed, which is why Early Childhood Education is so important to a successful, enjoyable school career.

The benefits of Pre-School can be broken down into 3 different sections of childhood development that is key to learning and building relationships in the future. Cognitively, socially and emotionally as well as positive results are all accredited positive outcomes of pre-school.


The positive cognitive outcomes of sending a child to pre-school are undeniable. The child when attending pre-school typically have

  • Higher math and language skills than those who did not go to pre-school
  • Sharper thinking skills
  • Better attention span
  • An improvement in overall school performance

Cls. 4Compared to individuals who did not got to pre-school these students were prepared for what was ahead of them. It also allowed for lower drop out rates compared to students who entered school feeling underprepared.

Social and Emotional

When children are young, it is the time for them to learn the socially acceptable aspects of life. While a child may be kept away from other children, their social skills do not develop in pace with their peers so they could become shy, withdrawn and find it difficult to make friends thus leading to acting out. When a child goes to preschool they

  • Have improved interactions with their peers
  • Have a stronger ability to form relationships
  • Usually have fewer problem behaviors
  • Adjust to the setup of a formal schooling schedule

While many children are able to make friends no problem, exposing them to the structure of school early helps them to cope with the change early, while they are still able to make bonds relatively easily.

Positive Results

An overall positive effect is typical after sending your child to preschool. The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute have gathered the information above, as well as the overall positive outcomes from a study in the past. They found that preschool

  • Increases earning potential
  • Allows for better academic outcomes

Early Childhood Education is pivotal to your child and the place that they find in society. By allowing them to adjust to structure earlier rather than later, and giving them the chance to form possible life long bonds can only allow your child to flourish in life.

Call Wollaston Child Care today at 617-773-7217 to find a pre-school that will nourish your child into the best student and more importantly, individual they can be.