Every Early Childhood education center runs their enrollment different based on the needs of their community. Enrollment for many can follow the school year, where the child begins in September and moves through the classrooms like they would based on the school calendar year. There is also open-enrollment which many pre-school settings are beginning to move to due to the positive outcomes that come with open-enrollment.
Open-enrollment is a flowing enrollment process that Wollaston Childcare follows where you are able to enroll your child throughout the year based on you and your child’s needs. The concept of open-enrollment has proven valuable for many reasons for both parent and adult.
Flexibility with you and your child’s needs
Should you wind up needing to enroll your child in the middle of the summer, with an open-enrollment program that is open year round you are able to enroll and remove your child as needed. With many other programs with a set enrollment period, should you miss the dead line that is it. You must wait until the following year to enroll your child. That is not always beneficial to the child.
When life gets hectic deadlines need to be fluid
Especially with children deadlines do not always exist no matter how much you try to make them work. There is no need that when life gets busy and you miss the enrollment period that your child should suffer because of it. Open-Enrollment allows for those hectic months were you can never get enough done that you need to while also allowing for your child to learn what needs to be learnt in their early development.
Allows your child to fit into the classroom that is suited for their needs
Early childhood centers tend to fit the children in with their age group rather than with their skills. This will help them create the social interactions with others that are on the same level with them. Open-enrollment allows for the children to move classrooms when needed rather than waiting until the next enrollment period. This will let the children stay with children who they have created bonds with longer than moving children based on their skills.
Many open enrollment centers run year round. This will allow for your child to be able to be comfortable where they are rather than being in for a few months then removed. With Wollaston Child Care we are open year round and have found that for certain parents this model works the best with busy schedules and their children’s needs. With open enrollment in a year round program, the children will be able to socialize and grow.
Early Childhood education is a key part of your child’s development. There are many options available to you when choosing your center. It is important to remember that each center you look into should be able to answer to the specifications of the state as well as make you and your child feel comfortable within the center itself for their early development.