As we’ve stated, early childhood education is a crucial time in your child’s life. They learn so much during this precious time and build a solid foundation for their future as they move along. While we’re happy to help and set your child up for success, it’s important that parents also involve themselves in the educational process any way they can. It has a powerful impact on your child. Parents truly are each child’s first and most important teacher.
With the proper follow-up, your child can get the most out of his or her classwroom experience. Take the time to talk about art projects or photos sent home. Find out which books are classroom favorites and read these together at home. Feel free to ask the teachers what they are working on in class and practice at home.
When your child is older and it comes time for homework, sit down and engage with your child so they can get work done while earning pointers from your experience. You’ll also have a firm grasp on what they’re learning if you take a peek at assignments.
Emotional support goes a long way too. If you take the time to praise your child or ask about their lessons, they’re going to be happy to share it with you. Once they do, the concept(s) they learn become reinforced, and they build their communications skills – an early childhood education staple!
Of course, before any of this occurs, you should take the time to research and find the best educational center for their needs. Ask all of the pertinent questions, talk to teachers, and more. This way, your child is ready to set foot into somewhere you trust and can endorse.
There are many components to learning about and involving yourself in early childhood education, and all of the efforts are worth it. Us teachers can do all we can, but learning can’t stay in just the classroom! Your child’s educational experience will be much more rewarding and fruitful if you involve yourself.
For more information about our excellent programs and operations, give Wollaston Child Care a call at (617)-773-7217!