If your child is about to turn five, you’re probably already looking into preschool and prekindergarten classes. But how do you know what to look for? Enrolling in a program like the one we offer in our pre-kindergarten classrooms in Quincy, MA can help develop and refine the skills necessary to excel in a more formal environment.
Routines Are Important
Developing a routine and learning new skills occurs in many preschool environments. Up until now, your tot may have only been at home or in an informal daycare with minimal organized activities. Choosing to send your almost-kindergartener to school a little early can help them acclimate to an environment with more structure.
Here in our pre-kindergarten classrooms, we follow a set schedule each day. The morning starts with center activities, where your child can choose from a variety of stations that work on different skills, such as cognitive development, gross motor skills, and language skills. After snack, the pledge of allegiance and a little morning dance party, we switch to some more structured learning activities. We focus on early literacy skills including letter recognition, rhyming, and phonetic awareness. We also build math skills such as counting, classification, patterning, measurement and spatial relationships. Before lunch, our pre-kindergarten class has time to practice gross motor skills, like taking neighborhood walks!
The World Is A Big Place
In addition to concrete skills discussed above, letting your child explore the world of schools and class before having to enroll in a kindergarten program can be invaluable. Not only will they be introduced to basics like language, math, and science, but they will also start to learn and understand how to behave and interact in a group setting. They will learn to be more independent, follow directions, and communicate effectively with other children and teachers.
Here at Wollaston Childcare, we understand how meaningful these first educational experiences are for you and your child. We want you to feel confident that you chose the right pre-kindergarten program. As a result, your child will have an easier time transitioning to kindergarten when the time comes. For more information about schedules and enrollment, call 617-773-7217 to speak with one of our valued staff.