It’s the time of year that many children are getting ready to go off to kindergarten. As exciting as this may be for them, it can also be very overwhelming. Here at Wollaston Child Care Center, we’ve created this helpful list of ways to help ease any of the anxieties your little one (or you) may be having about the big day!
Set Routines
One of the hardest adjustments when heading off to kindergarten can be the new daily schedule. With new expectations and busier days, it’s easy for children to become exhausted. Plus, if you still have a napper, phasing this mid-day break out before school starts is crucial. By establishing a regular bedtime a few weeks before school begins, you can help ease them into their new routine without meltdowns.
Not only is it wise to establish a bedtime routine, but a morning routine as well. Waking up and getting used to morning expectations can help you avoid missed buses and late arrivals to work.
Visit the School
Visiting your child’s classroom and meeting the teacher is one of the best ways to ease nerves. Not only will your child be able to see their room, they’ll meet their teacher and maybe even find their des, This visit will also allow them to obtain a general idea of the school’s layout. Areas such as the cafeteria, library, and gym are great places to visit. Although most schools host an open house for new incoming students, not all do. If this is the case, reaching out to schedule a visit may be a great idea.
Go Shopping
Whether your budget is big or small, school shopping can be a fun and inexpensive way, to bring a little excitement to the adventure ahead. Keep an eye on local stores as many will be having sales this time of year. A new backpack with matching lunchbox is a sure way to make your little guy or gal smile.
We hope you found these tips helpful! Whether you’re off to kindergarten or looking for infant care, the team at Wollaston is here for your family. Next time you’re searching for “childcare near me” save some time and give us a call. Wollaston is your child’s home away from home! Call us today at (617) 773-7217 to learn more about the programs we offer.