There’s a lot of talk lately around the reopening of public schools. Should you send your child? What will the dynamics of the day consist of? Are there alternative options without your child falling behind academically? While parents across the country prepare during these uncertain times, many others are searching frantically for a “preschool near me.” Although preschools are regulated separately from public schools, how they operate is just as crucial.
Finding an establishment you can trust to care for your child in the safest manner possible is crucial as we return to the workplace. Knowing their health and safety is at the forefront of the day while being enriched in a learning program to keep them at pace can bring peace of mind. However, what about your little ones? Chances are, they’ve been home (just like you) for a few months now. Whether returning to grade school or going off to preschool, your child is probably experiencing some of the same anxieties you feel.
In this article, we’re taking a look at few ways to help your child ease back into the routine.
Know the expectations of your preschool
While most private establishments are not mandating masks for young children, some are. Knowing the expectations of your school will enable you to prepare your child at home. For example, if your school requires masks, start having your child wear one at home. Break them into the idea slowly – five or ten minutes here and there. Gradually increase the time until you meet the expectations of the school. By following this routine, your child will be prepared for potentially longer than usual stretches of wearing their mask with comfort.
Practice proper hygiene
Mask or no mask, handwashing is a must no matter where your day will be spent. Taking the time to review good hygiene is essential now more than ever before. From handwashing to the elbow sneeze, this is one step that will not only keep your little one safer but those around as well.
Talk to them
There is nothing more important than open communication during times of high anxiety, worry, or stress. Be honest with your little one and let them know how you’re feeling. It’s okay to have mixed feelings about the return, and it’s healthy to discuss those feelings. Be sure to discuss how the school may look different – play materials such as dress-up clothing may be off-limits for now, distancing from your friend who you just love to hug may have to have boundaries, and so on. Open communication will help them deal with any feelings they may have, while also preparing them for change.
Remember, every child is unique and you know them the best. Use care and judgment while being open and sensitive to their feelings as well as your own. We’re all going through this time together and it’s okay to be nervous!
If you’re tired of spending endless hours stressing over the perfect “preschool near me,” call our team at Wollaston Child Care. Here, you will find a staff that puts your child’s safety first while ensuring the best learning environment possible. For more information on the variety of programs we offer, contact us today at (617) 773-7217.