Keeping the kids entertained, especially when stuck at home, can be quite the challenge. However, as your favorite childcare in Quincy, MA, our team at WCC understands how important it is for all to stay busy! If you find yourself home not knowing what to do, we’ve compiled three excellent activities to cure the boredom.
Who doesn’t love playdough?
Especially the homemade kind! Inspired after the movie, this Frozen playdough recipe by PagingFunMums is easy to make and full of glitter and fun. To make yours, you’ll need:
- 1 cup flour
- ½ cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- 1 tablespoon oil
- Blue food coloring
- 1 cup water (boiling)
- Blue, silver, or white glitter
Be sure to check out the link above for the step by step directions. The result is endless blue, sparkly fun!
Science experimenting with snow
When you’re little, snow is one of the best things in the world. It doesn’t matter how cold or wet you are, it’s snow, and life is good. Besides, when you finally come inside, it usually ends with a cup of hot cocoa!
This year, bring the learning outdoors with a little snow melting experiment for toddlers. Here is what you’ll need:
- Glass jar or plastic bottle
- Snow
- Food coloring
- Coarse salt
Begin by having your child fill the container ¾ full with snow. Next, you’ll add drops of coloring to your snow. How much or how little and what colors doesn’t matter, just have fun! Once your child is happy with their snow coloring, Slowly begin adding the salt, watching how the snow reacts (and melts) into a colorful liquid!
Tape painting
Painting is a wonderful activity for any age. Whether finger painting or replicating a Monet – painting uses creativity, sensory, fine and gross motor, and other developmental skills! In this activity suited for all ages, your child will be painting up some snowflakes. You’ll need:
- A small canvas, sturdy paper, or piece of cardboard
- Masking tape
- Paint and a brush (the brush is always optional)!
Start by gathering your materials. Then, using your masking tape, create a pattern on the surface to be painted. The goal is to create a snowflake outline, or something similar anyway! Once the snowflake is complete, your child is free to paint until their heart is content. Once dried, carefully remove the tape revealing their snowflake masterpiece! We promise, they’ll be amazed.
This holiday season, it’s time to turn off the screens and get those little minds working! As the number one center for childcare in Quincy, MA, our team at Wollaston Child Care wishes all of our families a very safe and happy holiday season!
For information on our programs, contact WCC today by calling (617) 773-7217.