On April 27th each year, Wollaston Child Care Center gets pretty excited. Why? Well, because it’s National Tell A Story Day! With hundreds of ways to celebrate, it is an important day for any age. Telling a story helps spark the imagination and hone in on some of our favorite skills – like reading and verbal communication! Plus, with these simple ideas, the task becomes seamless into any day, even the most hectic ones.
Take time to read a story together.
To no surprise, reading makes the top of our list. Beyond the numerous benefits gained by your child from reading a story, it is the perfect way to unwind and spend quality time with one another. Be sure to choose a book that captures their attention, or perhaps, the day calls for a brand new book! If you can set aside time for a trip to the local library, you’ll not only have new stories in hand, but you’ll also have more of that quality time we can’t get enough of.
Ask your child about the favorite part of their day.
For some parents, hopping in the car after picking your child up from school leads to a one-sided conversation. Children love to talk – there is just no way around this one! However, if your child is on the quiet side, the ride home is a perfect time to get them to tell you a story. Ask about their day. How was it? What was the best part of your day?
Once they are talking, chances are you will hear all of the little details highlighting the story they don’t even realize they’re telling!
Tell your child one of your favorite memories.
Another spin on the day is for you to tell the story. By doing so, listening and imagination skills go into full force. Start by talking about their day and relate your child’s experience to one of your own. This is an excellent opportunity to bond with your little one.
Make up a bedtime story together.
Similarly, making up a bedtime story is always a favorite! However, instead of one storyteller, make it a group effort! Taking turns to fill in the details and decide what happens next will lead you to …. Well, who knows! But you’ll have fun getting there!
At Wollaston Child Care, we believe in helping your child reach new heights. By focusing on and encouraging everyday habits with fun, creative methods, you’ll have a little genius on your hands in no time! While we gear up for National Tell A Story Day, we hope you do the same.
For more information on the programs offered at Wollaston, please contact our team by calling (617) 773-7217.