We understand that finding productive ways to entertain your preschooler can sometimes be difficult. Here at Wollaston Child Care Center, we take the education of your children seriously. With numerous program options and age categories, we tailor each program to promote all aspects of your children’s well-being. So if you are looking for a Quincy MA prekindergarten program, you have come to the right place. Here are a few Thanksgiving-themed educational craft ideas that your preschooler will love!
Classic Traced Turkey Hand
This simple craft has been a classic for years and for good reason. Not only is it an adorable keepsake but it aids in helping your child reinforce their fine motor skills. Have your child place their hand palm down on a sheet of paper, centering their hand on the page. Then with a writing utensil of their choice have them trace around their fingers to outline their hand. Help them to then draw a turkey with the face being their thumb and the other four fingers as feathers. Your child will enjoy an outlet for their creativity and it will also help with cognitive reinforcement.
Pasta Art
Although this craft isn’t specifically Thanksgiving-themed it is a great one nonetheless. Start by pouring four different pasta shapes onto the table. Ask your child to sort each pasta by shape, putting each one into its own bowl. This will not only help with your child’s fine motor skills but it helps to engage their brain in identifying which shapes are alike. Once the shapes are separated correctly, help your child glue down the pasta in a design of their choosing. This fun ending to the craft allows your child to use their imagination to create a picture. Consider using the time in which the glue is drying as a teaching moment in patience as well!
Polka Dot Corn
In the spirit of autumn, this craft is both festive and beneficial. Prepare by tracing two ovals on a piece of paper, roughly the size, and shape of an ear of corn. Then help your child to cut out those two ovals. This will help develop your child’s fine motor skills. Once they are cut out, provide your child with small dollops of paints, perhaps in the colors yellow, brown, and orange. Have your child then dip their index finger into the paint and make polka dots on the corn to look like corn kernels. Touching the cold paint is great for sensory stimulation and your child will love decorating the corn. Once they are done with the paint, hole punch the two ovals and tie them together with a string.
Quincy MA Pre Kindergarten at Wollaston Child Care
These beneficial crafts are a great way to promote the educational development of your child. Another way that you can do so is to consider Wollaston Child Care Center. Our Quincy MA prekindergarten programs focus on the development of your child in all aspects of their well-being. We cater to their specific needs and can come alongside them to help them learn. With flexible schedules and incredible staff, we can work with you to find a schedule that works best for you and your child.
For more information about our Quincy MA prekindergarten programs contact us at (617)-773-7217!