Category Archives: Wollaston Child Care
3 Swimming Tips for Preschoolers
Many kids’ favorite summer activities involve anything to do with water. But when it comes to swimming with preschool-age kids, safety concerns are first in parents’ minds.
Dental Care Tips for Toddler Care in Quincy, MA!
With so many child care priorities, dental care can often come last. Ensure the health of your toddler’s teeth with these tips!
Helping Your Child Adjust When Heading to Preschool
There are plenty of benefits to preschool, but there can be plenty of emotions too! Here are three ways to help everyone adjust to preschool.
3 Things You May Not Know About the Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy Day is around the corner. Here are a few facts you may not know!
The Developmental Benefits of Puzzles
Did you know that sitting and solving a puzzle provides a multitude of benefits? Here is a closer look!
Holiday Activities Toddlers Love
Look for fun ways to celebrate the holiday season with your little one? Here are three ideas to get you started!
Thanksgiving Crafts Ideas Your Children Will Love To Do
Here are a few of our favorite crafts for kids that help to promote cognitive development
Get Reading During National Library Card Signup Month
While it can be difficult to keep a consistent reading schedule as a busy parent, it’s important to make the time.
August 22nd Is National Tooth Fairy Day!
All parents with children have been there. With every lost tooth, the little ones are excited to see if the Tooth Fairy will come to visit them while they sleep.
5 Essential Kindergarten Skills Learned at Wollaston
Finding the best kindergarten can be overwhelming. We’re making it easy at Wollaston by offering all of the things your child needs and deserves!