3 Reasons Kids Should Have Swim Lessons
Kids are never too old to learn how to swim, but early childhood is the best time to learn.
3 Indoor Child Care Activities for Winter Days
Let’s face it; being stuck inside day after day with a toddler can prove challenging during the cold New England months. Craving the warm weather that allows for hours of outdoor activities will soon come, but we’re still a bit far out from that. So, when it comes to indoor child care that limits physical excursion in comparison to the summer, what do you do? You prepare.
Dental Care Tips for Toddler Care in Quincy, MA!
With so many child care priorities, dental care can often come last. Ensure the health of your toddler’s teeth with these tips!
Thanksgiving Crafts Ideas Your Children Will Love To Do
Here are a few of our favorite crafts for kids that help to promote cognitive development
Get Reading During National Library Card Signup Month
While it can be difficult to keep a consistent reading schedule as a busy parent, it’s important to make the time.
August 22nd Is National Tooth Fairy Day!
All parents with children have been there. With every lost tooth, the little ones are excited to see if the Tooth Fairy will come to visit them while they sleep.
Summer Activities Ideas: Family Nature Walks
Nature walks are a great way to spend time with family and learn about the world around you!
Choosing Quality Pre Kindergarten in Quincy MA
The best thing you can do for your child is find the highest quality early education!
How Important is Early Education?
Children’s brains grow and develop incredibly fast in their first few years. In fact, baby brains grow over 1,000 trillion nerve endings and will triple in weight by the time they are three. In addition to learning things like eating, walking, and talking, they are gaining a sense of the world around them and learning […]
What Do You Learn in Pre-Kindergarten?
If your child is about to turn five, you’re probably already looking into preschool and prekindergarten classes. But how do you know what to look for? Enrolling in a program like the one we offer in our pre-kindergarten classrooms in Quincy, MA can help develop and refine the skills necessary to excel in a more […]